Divorce Mediation Training Starts May 9, 2022

40-Hour Divorce Mediation Training Starts May 9, 2022

Family disputes often involve complex legal issues and highly emotional entanglements between disputing parties. Such cases present mediators with challenges that require a wide range of skills. This Advanced Divorce Mediation Training is designed for both the novice and the experienced mediator to consider and discuss the challenges unique to mediating the family law case. Note: this training requires that participants have a basic working knowledge of the facilitative mediation process. The goal of this training is to help mediators develop the skills necessary to guide a divorcing couple through the complex legal process required to complete a California divorce.

The sessions will be held at OC Human Relations offices, 1801 Edinger St, Suite 115, Santa Ana, CA, 92705

“The presenting staff were exceptional as instructors. Each kept all participants’ attention, and each of them seemed to be sincere and excited about teaching and helping the upcoming mediators to prepare for future successful mediations.”