Village of Schaumburg, IL

Address 101 Schaumburg Ct
Schaumburg IL 60193 Website Phone 847-895-4500
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Village of Schaumburg, IL - Building Department Information
The following Building Department information is available for Village of Schaumburg, IL
Building and Related Codes and Amendments
The following is a list of applicable codes that regulate construction within the Village of Schaumburg:
Building Codes:
- 2012 International Residential Code
- Appendix G - Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs
- 2012 International Building Code (All other construction)
- 2012 International Property Maintenance Code
- 2012 International Fuel Gas Code
- Current International Energy Conservation Code
- 2012 International Existing Building Code
- Village of Schaumburg Title 15, Chapter 153, Building Code
- 2012 International Mechanical Code
- State of Illinois Plumbing Code (2/04)
- 2011 National Electrical Code (1/19/13)
- 2012 International Fire Code
- Appendix D - Fire Apparatus Access Roads
- Appendix E - Hazard Categories
- Appendix F - Hazard Ranking
- Appendix G - Cryogenic Fluids--Weight and Volume Equivalents
- NFPA National Fire Codes, Current Edition
- Village of Schaumburg Fire Provisions Chapter 157
Illinois Accessibility Code - 71 Ill. Adm. Code (4/24/97)
- ANSI A17.1 Current Edition
- Schaumburg Zoning Ordinance
- Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
Permit Information and Forms
Commercial/industrial projects from new buildings and additions to alterations and various smaller projects require a permit. Plan reviews are conducted for these project types which are listed in the table below.
If you have any questions regarding the permit application or process, please contact the Permitting Division of the Community Development Department at 847.923.4420.
Visit Village of Schaumburg website for more information
Submittal Requirements:
- Village permit application
- Electrical permit application if electrical work is performed
- 2 copies of architectural stamped drawings
- For other requirements specific to each project, including current fees and required inspections, a resource guide is available by choosing your project in the table below.
- Contractors working on the project must obtain a valid village Contractor's Business License. The village does not license roofers or plumbers as these trades are licensed by the State of Illinois. You can verify if a roofing contractor is state licensed by visiting the website of the State of Illinois Department of Professional Regulations. To verify if a plumbing contractor is state licensed, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health at 217.524.0791. If the village does not have a current copy of a roofer's license or plumber's license, we will ask that they submit a copy to us prior to permit issuance. Effective March 1, 2013, per 225 ILCS 320/37 (from Ch. 111, par. 1135 of The Illinois Plumbing License Law), "A letter of intent shall be included with all plumbing permit applications. The letter shall be written on the license plumber of record's business stationery and shall include the license holder's signature and, if the license holder is incorporated, the license holder's corporate seal. If the license holder is not incorporated, the letter must be notarized."
Addition | Natural Area Landscaping |
Air Conditioner | New Construction |
Alteration | New Tenant Occupancy |
Antenna | Parking Lot and Site Maintenance |
Building - Miscellaneous | Parking Lot Striping |
Construction Trailer | Plumbing - Miscellaneous |
Demolition | Reroof |
Drain Tile/Drainage | Retaining Wall |
Dumpster Enclosure | Seasonal Outdoor Seating |
Electrical – Miscellaneous | Sewer Connection |
Electrical Service | Sewer Repair |
Façade Renovation | Signs |
Fence | Sidewalk/Stoop |
Fire Suppression Systems | Site and Land Development |
Food Trucks | Tree Removal |
Foundation/Repair | Underground Sprinkler |
Furnace | Water Heater |
Generator |
Licensing Information
The Village Code requires individuals and companies to display a valid license for a variety of activities and privileges. To apply for a license, return the completed application and payment to:
The Village of Schaumburg Attention: The Collections Division of the Finance Department 101 Schaumburg Court Schaumburg, Illinois 60193
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday
For questions regarding licensing, call 847.895.4500
- Business Licenses
- Chauffeur's License
- Contractor's Business License
- Entertainment License
- Fundraising License
- Home-Based Businesses
- Liquor Licensing
- Metra Parking Lot Pass
- Public Passenger Vehicle License
- Raffle License
- Rental License
- Solicitor License
- Vending License
WebPay The Village of Schaumburg is pleased to provide our customers a reliable and secure online payment option during license renewal season as well as other pay-for-services . Customers are not charged any convenience fees for transactions. For your protection, credit card information is not collected or stored by the Village. Please visit our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for more information regarding how to use WebPay.
Additional Information
The detailed municipality information displayed on this page is not a property of America's Building Records (ABR). This information is complied for your convenience from the municipality's official website. For the most up-to-date information please visit their official website.